Thursday, April 17, 2008

Big Team Meeting and Fund Raising Opportunity

Our Big Team Meeting is this Saturday from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. Please be sure to get there on time because we will be leaving the church and going on a "field trip." This means be there AT 8:00 am, do not arrive 20 minutes late thinking it will be no big deal because you will be left behind, no kidding. Dress as if you were going to the Refuge.

IMPORTANT: We are meeting at the Journey's new East Campus location. NE 36th and E Robinson.

Also, we have one more fund raising opportunity. Next Thursday night Journey is having a volunteer dinner and they need people to come and work it. They need at least 15 people and you will be paid hourly. It is a NY themed night so the majority of you will be dressed in NY styled clothing (yankees, mets, street vendors, etc.) serving hotdogs and what not. It should be fun, so let me know who wants to do it.

You guys are the best! We will have a Moz team meeting on Sunday night, so plan on being there if you can.

Love you guys!


PS- Great job getting all of your passports and pictures in. Our visa applications are all ready to be sent in as soon as we have our final dates!


Colin said...

Do not arive 20 minutes late..

Madison Kerner said...

We were only 10 minutes late! Thanks for calling me out though, I deserved it.