Sunday, April 13, 2008


It's Sunday- the big crazy deadline day. I'm experiencing it from the other side (it's 3 am Sunday morning), but it's still that day. I just wanted so say a few things, even though it is a weird time.

I love you all. Friday night's thing at Jacob's land was incredible- I wish we could have stayed another night (who knows, maybe we will do something the few days before we leave for Mozambique...). Even though all we got to do as a group was sit around that fire and have that talk, I feel like that was a really awesome time we will never forget. Things were definitely said there that are not normally said to anyone else, and that's really special for our family. We really are becoming a family together, isn't that cute? But seriously, I'm overwhelmed with the blessing of that, and my prayer is that all of you would feel it as well- I know most of you do.

So this next part is for those of you who are nervous about money stuff. Don't worry. Even up until Midnight tonight, don't worry. He commanded us not to worry. And there is no such thing as a 'righteous', 'Godly', concern here. We are to use the minds God has given us and be efficient with those, but He has told us never to worry. Do what He says to do. Don't even think about the 'what ifs.' The birds don't even think twice about whether or not there will be enough. Luke 12:24 "Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!"... hmmm.... There really is ALWAYS ENOUGH. Sounds like a good name for a blog. Or a book. Or a theme for a body of people who are recklessly, hopelessly, unashamedly, ridiculously, foolishly ABANDONED to a God who says He will be the Provider. I said it to everyone before, and I'll say it again when it comes to this subject about the money: Do what you know you need to do (fast, pray, fall on your face, cry, hurt, feel, sell some things, call some people, fast, pray, fall on your face more, sit at His feet...) and then rest, believing He will do what He wants to do and that He will reward your faithfulness.
Hebrews 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him."
Matthew 25:21 "' have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.'"
So before you throw in the towel, trust that He will do what He wants. "If you say go, I will go; If you say wait I will wait." -Thanks Casey. But if He gives you a direction, GO. WAIT. STAND. SIT. TALK. LISTEN. HURT. PRAY. LOVE. Do the thing God is telling you. DO the thing God is telling you.
Right now He is telling me to rest. That's not a joke just because it's 3:30 am. I had a nap. I need to rest in Him. This post is mostly for me. I have thought about the What Ifs all week, and I got completely exhausted today. What is He telling you? Do you believe He is telling you anything? Well, too bad, He is anyway. When it'd be easy for me to walk on my own two feet and 'enjoy' life on my own, He's waiting where I looked at Him and left Him, right by my bed, still saying the thing He wanted for me for that day. 
Thanks for letting me use this as a time for me to 'center myself.' Hopefully this resonated with a few of you. 

Again, I love you all.

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