Thursday, April 3, 2008


We leave in 39 DAYS!

You guys are the best! Seriously though, I can’t even begin to tell you how much my life has been blessed by knowing each of you. The Lord has made you all so uniquely (ex. I don’t think we’ll see Emily burping the ABCs like Ava anytime soon), and I love how we each bring such different personalities to the group. Blake and I did not put together this team- it was completely the Lord. His hands are all over these eleven people, and he is moving in all of us. How cool is that!?! God knew, before we were born, that we would be together right now. (Psalm 139:16). He chose you to be on this team. He moved you in this direction and brought you here. I know it is because he wants to do something AMAZING in and through this group of people!

Sometimes I forget the reason we all know each other. We are going to Africa together (assuming you do all those things Blake told you to do)! Our lives are going to be drastically changed, and we are going to experience that together. Are you ready? Seriously though, are you? Pray for the Lord to break you even more, so that we can minister and identify with the hearts of the people of Mozambique. We do not want to be the harvest; we want to be harvesters in Africa, but also right here in Oklahoma.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. (Luke 10:2-3)

We leave in six weeks! I am starting to feel a sense of urgency to push into the Lord even deeper than we have before. Prepare by spending more time sitting at the his feet and in fellowship with this team. Father, rid us of everything that would be a hindrance to your Spirit moving in this team. We want no part of things that are not of you.

Some Official Team Business…

  • I know this Saturday is Big Event, but if anyone wants to go to the Refuge instead, I am so there.
  • Call to make an appointment to get your shots TOMORROW! The first available appointments at Goddard are April 18, which is pushing it.
  • Everyone needs a blog because they are really cool.
I love you all!



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