Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Become Me and Madison's Favorite Team Member!

Each time you post on this blog with what the Lord is doing in your life, what you ate for breakfast that day, whatever... You will automatically become me and Madison's favorite team member! Oh, and back rubs and free meals help out too.

Mommy and Daddy love you very much.


Madison Kerner said...

Yes we do love you all very much, but we are completely fine with choosing favorites. Keep that in mind!

ashley said...

ok, before I even read this post, I had decided I was going to post something cool on here, but then I realized I don't know the password!!
did I miss an e-mail?

And for the record, I'm not wanting to post to become a "favorite," but I am more motivated now... =)

ashley said...

oh, and I just created a blog.
check it out.
and put it on your sidebar/link thing.

I <3 my mommy and daddy!! and brothers and sisters too....