Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Only A Shadow"

that was lovely, Erik. but guess what?? IT'S A NEW DAY!! which means NEW FAVORITE TEAM MEMBER---ASHLEY.
so anyway, cool story. It happens to relate to Isaiah 43 (go figure).
So the Misty Edwards song that we listened to at the Mozambique meeting just a mere 2 (now 3, since it's technically Wednesday) days ago--the same one that Blake heard that one time while he was reading Isaiah 43, ya know?
yeah, well I get out of the shower this afternoon, around 1:09pm, and my roommate is printing off the lyrics to it!! (apparently it's called "Only A Shadow," if you were wondering) I didn't recognize it until she started singing it and was like, "Ashley, i want you to hear this song! It's amazing!" and then I realized what it was and pretty much freaked out, because it was another crazy timing thing from the Lord.
OH and even CRAZIER part of the story.... She, Lauren, (my roomie) heard about the song from this other awesome Christian girl on our floor, Megan. Apparently Megan asked Lauren if she or I had been playing the song in our room, because she heard it on our hallway. But us 2 and the girl across the hall (Laura) are the only Misty Edwards fans, so when none of us admitted to being the source of the song, I was totally convinced (and not at all surprised, with how crazy and evident the Holy Spirit has been lately) that the Lord had put that song in Megan's head, then Megan told Lauren, who told me, who realized (once again) the Lord is sooo involved in our lives!
He really does make connections and "coincidences" (for lack of a better word) among His people to reveal His love, create strong community, and make His Presence (and the Holy Spirit) known!

1 comment:

Madison Kerner said...

I love how God works! He makes it impossible for us to point to coincidence, we have to point to him.

To add to this craziness, I'm at work right now and as I was reading your post the phone rang and the called ID Said "Edwards, Mis..." The lady's name ended up being Becky, but still it was way cool!

Love you ash, thanks for bloging!