Saturday, April 5, 2008

No Meeting Tomorrow Night

The title says it all-we're not meeting tomorrow. Everyone seems to have busy weeks ahead, so take Sunday night to catch up on the reason we're in college in the first place... school!

We are in the process of trying to find a fundraiser for our team. It's getting late and we're still in need of some serious cash.
  • T-shirts are not going to be worth the effort (they are fun, but don't make much money)
  • Panera is booked for fundraising nights through June 1st
  • I am going to Taco Cabana on Monday morning to ask about a fundraising night
  • Anyone can work at the Journey Bowl on Friday, April 11th for $10/hour, just let me know, and I'll sign you up.
  • Go to Riverwind on Monday (girls) or Friday (guys) for a free $10 to gamble with...I'm only sort of kidding about this one. The Lord uses evil for good, right?
  • Anyone have any other ideas??
You guys are amazing. Can't wait to see you on Wednesday!


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