Tuesday, May 13, 2008

South Africa - 14 hours till we are in Mozambique

We are offically in Africa... In a hostel in South Africa called Africa Centre. We made it here with no problems, all our luggage arrived perfectly, we were picked up from the airport, and all our flights were on time. Thank you for lifting up the details of our travels in prayer- it was much needed and we could tell it was completely of the Lord's provision. Everyone is doing well, no one even got sick on the plane (even the motion-sickness-prone ones). Despite an annoying baby crying the whole way and her older sister of 5 with a passifier still in her mouth, we had the ideal flight from New York to Dakar (for fueling) to South Africa.
We are leaving tomorrow at 7 am to get on our flight to Mozambique that leaves at 10 am... our time... which means... blake loves dot dot dots. We forgot what they were called...

So 3 am Central time is when we are boarding our 45 minute flight to Maputo, Mozambique!

People from Iris Ministries will pick us up from the airport and we should be at the children's center by lunch time.

The Lord is continuing to speak to our team through His specific supplying of all our needs. We are learning to trust Him more and more completely by that provision.

Be looking for updates in a few days. We will see how fast (slow) the internet is at Iris.

Here is how you can continue to pray for us:
Details would continue to be worked out
Multiplied rest
Prepared and fertile hearts in Mozambique
That our hearts would continue to be tuned in to the Lord's heart
That we would also continue to be praising Him for all He is doing! (We can't believe we're actually HERE!)

Father, bless these intercessors that are warring with us for your Kingdom. We love these people.

love, Blake and Madison
and Jacob, Colin, Ashley, Blair, Erik, Ava, and Emily

we thought it'd be funny if we left a name off... but that wouldn't be funny. EVERYONE'S GREAT.


Ava's Dad said...

We are so proud of all of you. It is great to know God had made your travel plans way in advance. We know he will bless the time you will have serving him in Mozambique and it will fly by much to quickly. Tell our daughter Ava that we already miss her and LOVE her Very, Very, Very much. We Love all of you and your dedication. Not in Oklahoma anymore ehhhh Dorthy???????

Anonymous said...

You are all so amazing, I couldn't be more proud!