Thursday, May 29, 2008

Safely in Johannesburg

Hi.  I'm Andy Kerner, Madison's dad.   She just called me from the Johannesburg airport to let me know everything is great and asked me to post a short blog.  She apologized about the lack of communication, but said they did not have internet access and limited minutes on a phone card. She said the trip was fantastic and God did some awesome things.  It was very difficult to leave the children this morning before they departed for the airport.  She said one boy skipped school and found a way to the airport to see them off!

Everyone is in good health.  They were able to go a safari in South Africa and she said it was fun (she said they had confirmed it was safe in South Africa before they went).

She asked that everyone continue to pray for their team -- safe travels, smooth connections and continued unity during the next 36 hours of their journey home.

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